The Real Pope Francis
The truth shall set you free (John 8:32). I tell you, on the day of judgment you will have to give an account for every careless word you utter (Matthew 12:36).
Un-Narrativizing Pope Francis
Vicar of Christ or Anti-Christ? The real Pope Francis vs. Media distortion and sensational headlines. Watch here.
Pope Francis, In His Own Words
A collection of verbatim quotes from Pope Francis on a variety of issues such as gender, women's ordination, sodomy, abortion, marriage, marriage, demographics, hell, and the devil. Watch here.
Liberalism Is A Sin
Philosophy Book
Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany explains in depth the liberalism and philosophical error behind separating the Papacy from Christianity and separating the Church's influence from the state. Originally written in 1884 and approved by the Sacred Congregation of the Index in Rome. Any opinions on Vatican 2 (1962) or any other opinions from the translator/adapter should not be taken with the same trust as the approved piece from Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany. Read here.
The Politically Incorrect Francis—14 Shocking Statements
Read here.
Franco's Videos on Pope Francis
All videos that @thefrancotv has created or edited to help bring clarity to the confusion caused by online commentators and mainstream media. All videos are available for download and reposting. View here.
Different Forms of The Mass
Pope Francis DEFENDS TLM
Why Pope Francis restricted some TLMs
Is Pope Francis Banning The TLM?
Can a Pope BAN the TLM (The Traditional/Correct/Catholic Answer)
The Truth About The SSPX
Altman's Comments Against Pope Francis DEBUNKED
One Thing Good Catholics Say That Worries Me
Why Protestant Criticism of
Pope Francis Backfires
Vicar of Christ or Anti-Christ? The real Pope Francis vs. Media distortion and sensational headlines. Watch here.